PTO Funding At Work
Vox Readers for Kindergarten
The Kindergarten team applied for a grant to purchase Vox readers, which are are hardcover picture books that have a built-in listening center. The goal was to support students in hearing consistent fluent reading while empowering them to look at books on their own in a fun and exciting way, building a love and excitement for reading.
Words cannot adequately describe how grateful we are to the PTO for funding this grant. We are SO excited to get these books in the hands of our Kindergartners to promote a love of reading! - Lawrence Kindergarten Team
7th Grade deCordova Field Trip
After two years of the pandemic, we were finally able to visit an art museum in person. The 7th grade visited the deCordova! The deCordova is a sculpture park and museum in Lincoln, MA with 30 acres of woods and more than 60 site-specific installations. In 7th grade art class, students explored sculpture through creating Terracotta Soldiers inspired by the first emperor in China. Later that year, the deCordova presented students with many variety of sculpture forms and their significance. - Lawrence Art Department
Lawrence Field Soccer Goals
The PTO was excited to fund a community proposal to put two soccer goals on the Lawrence Field where they get plenty of use during recess, after school and on the weekends. The PTO also funds equipment for PE & Wellness classes, and also covered the costs for the buddy bench on the large playground and the scooter racks near the Circle Garden.
Kindergarten Enrichment at Lawrence
The Lawrence School PTO has continuously supported a variety of projects within every Kindergarten school year. Our students' school experiences are enriched by the opportunities provided to us by the PTO. These projects include but are not limited to Project Chick, sending teachers to Japan, supporting piloting a phonemic awareness program, and most recently funding a collection of Vox Books which will benefit all of our students' literacy skills tremendously. As we reflect each year, the PTO's contributions to our teaching and learning are often highlighted memories of both teachers and students. - Kindergarten Teaching Team
Purchased Greg Tang Math Puzzle Resources for the Entire School
Students enjoyed choosing the activities that felt like an appropriate challenge for them, and I appreciated having a range of activity entry points that could meet different student needs. They're a great resource for Math WIN blocks, practice and extension activities, and ultimately, support my ability to differentiate effectively. - Lawrence 5th Grade Teacher
Gaga Ball Court @ Lawrence Field
Gaga ball is a fast-paced game in which many students can be included, getting a chance to move and play with others that they may or may not know. The impact of keeping students occupied in a productive playful way while also having fun has been invaluable.
Decodable Readers for 1st Grade
I continue to be amazed by the endless support of the PTO. I am always learning and growing as an educator and their support allows me to use the most current research and methods to keep my first graders learning, growing and engaged across the curriculum. Most recently, the PTO has helped me purchase over one hundred decodable texts for my classroom. I am SO thankful for the generosity of the PTO because they enable my first graders to gain independence and confidence as readers! - Lawrence 1st Grade Teacher
Funded Orton-Gillingham Training Program
Last year, the Lawrence PTO generously funded 30 hours of instruction and a 100-hour practicum leading to Orton Gillingham (OG) certification, the gold standard for research-based instruction for students with dyslexia. This support allowed me to build upon the PSB's investment in introductory-level OG training for a cohort of special educators. I see the fruits of this investment in my students who have made significant, measurable progress in their reading and writing and can now access the joy literacy can bring. A student captured it best after reading together recently, "I can't wait to read the next part tomorrow!" - Lawrence Special Educator
8th Grade Digital Self-Portrait Projects
Each year, the 8th grade class works with artist David Leifer to create digital self-portraits - a truly multi-disciplinary project bringing together art and technology. The portraits are printed in large-format and displayed in the Lawrence hallways, providing a tangible keepsake for Lawrence 8th graders to bring home to remember their years at Lawrence School!
The Nathan Purpel Scholarship
First awarded in 1993, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior at Brookline High School who was also graduated from Lawrence School; a student who has demonstrated generosity of spirit and an abiding respect for the value of human differences and the many ways in which they enrich individual and community lives.
This scholarship was established to recognize Nathan Purpel's long tenure and successful Principalship at Lawrence School. To honor him upon his retirement and thank him for the immeasurable gifts he has given to all.
7th Grade Farm School Trip
The PTO helps to sponsor the annual overnight trip to The Farm School in Athol, MA, covering ~50% of tuition and transportation costs. At The Farm School, Lawrence 7th graders build relationships and their connection to the land.