Now more than ever, PTO funding makes a difference in our kids’ education. PTO grants furnish classrooms that inspire, curriculum that adapts, and the technology to help every student excel—whether they are learning in person or remotely. PTO funding takes our students’ experience beyond what the school budget can offer…and is success depends on you!

In a typical year, this funding comes partly from special events, after-school programming, fairs, fetes, and fun runs…but the majority comes from our annual appeal. Please give as generously as you can!

Here’s How to Make Your Tax-Deductible Donation:
• Onlineclick here to make your donation now via PayPal or credit card!
• By mail – send a check to Lawrence School PTO, 27 Francis Street, Brookline, MA 02446
• At school – in cash or by check, in the PTO drop-box in the main office
Boost your gift! – Include a matching-gift form from your company to increase the value of your donation. Click here to request information about how to request a match from your company.

The Lawrence School PTO is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are 100% tax-deductible and eligible for company matching programs. 

Other ways to support the Lawrence PTO:
• Amazon Smile – Register the "Lawrence School Parent Teacher Organization" as your charity and earn funds for the PTO while you shop! Find instructions here.